I know all too well the value of professional imagery in branding my business. How I present myself online helps potential clients decide if I’m the type of person they’ll trust with their furry family members, their kids and in their home. New to the business portfolio of Bundle of Paws is branding imagery for business owners, with a special emphasis on small and medium size business owners who want to tell their story visually.
Our most recent clients include Philip, the outstanding artisanal woodworker who proudly owns Ridderworks LLC in Hamilton, NJ. His handmade crafts and shop truly are a testament to rare skill and expertise. Initially skeptical of a non-traditional headshot, I can just smell the wood shavings looking at this image and envision his skill!
And Allison, the pet friendly realtor who brought her special boy Max to her personal branding shoot to identify how her skill in real estate translates especially well to both the new pet owner, who might not be sure what they need in a home; and the experienced pet parent who trusts her to find it!
These are just 2 recent examples of small business owners who find the value in branding consistency and branding photography to help tell their story visually. They understand potential clients are interested in finding vendors who are reliable, trustworthy and skilled. Working with family members and pets, potential clients want to ensure safety as well, especially if the provider (like a pet photographer!) is being invited into the home.
I so enjoyed partnering with these 2 business clients, along with others during the last few years, and would be thrilled to partner with you to help tell your story visually so your clients know what you’re about, can begin the trust building process and help you find your tribe with our brand photography sessions! Drop me a line today to get started on your journey.