Every now and again I run across an organization who is genuinely interested in, and most importantly, actually delivering on, the goal of helping those in need. Whether it be a group like HeARTs Speak, who connect artists across the globe with animals in need, or more locally in my community, a group like A.F.E.W., who volunteers work ceaselessly to help foster, socialize and adopt the seemingly never ending stream of dogs and cats who come through their care.
Another group about whom I have become aware, is Miracle Flights for Kids – an organization who supports families with children in need of specialty medical care, who cannot afford flights to see necessary specialists. What does this have to do with animals you ask? Well, beyond being a great organization supporting kids in need, Miracle Flights just announced they are in the planning stages of developing Pawfect Connections – a travel assistance program for families in need of service animals. Having seen the first hand the benefit service animals provide to their companions, and learning that this valued measure of support will now be linked with Miracle Flights to enable families who need these animals to not be separated from necessary help just due to airline fees is great.
You can check out more about Miracle Flights and their announcement about Pawfect Connections and other new initiatives they are undertaking here!