Category Archives: Uncategorized

Dogs on Deployment

I realize most folks are familiar with the traditional standard of fostering pets.  Likely, several of us are even foster failures – although I don’t know that there really should be such a term.  How cool that after the noble gesture of fostering a pet in need, you both realize the connection and that you...

New Technology for Old Problem

Having just endured the most recent spate of snow and continued cold weather this winter in NJ, I am reminded of conversations with volunteers and animal advocates who fear the increase of lost dogs which always seems to coincide with stretches of cold weather.  Just yesterday, my personal Facebook newsfeed had several mentions of a...

Sochi 2014 Olympics

The 2014 Winter Olympiad will begin in just a few days in Sochi, Russia.  For an event with the goal of highlighting the best of the human spirit from among the world wide collection of us, I am far less excited for Sochi than previous olympics.  Mahatma Gandhi once said “The greatness of a nation...

Introducing New Pets

A few weeks ago, a family member, companion to an adopted cat for nearly 11 years, felt the pull of adopting again and decided to go whole hog, rescuing 3 new kittens and adding them to the pack in one fell swoop.  While the act of rescuing these kittens, whose future looked bleak for no...

Success in Unexpected Places

I’ve never been the type of person to put a lot of energy into developing resolutions as the new year dawns, but decided this year to use the opportunity to try something I ordinarily wouldn’t.  As you have followed this blog and perhaps our Facebook page, you hear mention from time to time (well, maybe...

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